Thursday, April 26, 2012

Relay for Life - April 28

Join our Relay for Life team and walk with us Saturday, April 28.  Post your thoughts on the event.
Last chance to join, Friday, April 27 by 5pm.

Reflections of 2011-2012

Throughout the school year, you have been encouraged to make healthier lifestyle choices.  What major topics stuck with you this year?  What changes do you feel you have made based on what you learned in this classroom?  Have you shared this information with others, and if so, how do you feel you have impacted their lives and overall wellness?

Run a 5k!

Run a 5 or 10k, or even a one mile fun run and support a good cause.  What did you like about it?  What was the most challenging part?  Would you run another one?  Don't forget to upload your photograph from the event to the class photobucket account for documentation. 

Coppell Education Foundation has a 5K on May 5 in Coppell.  Register at

Monday, March 5, 2012

Healthy Food Day

Cook or prepare a healthy snack for class on Friday, March 9.   Bring enough for everyone to sample, including plates or any serving necessities.  Your goal is to create something healthy and have people try new things!  Discuss what you made, what makes it healthy, and how much time was required to prepare it.  

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Firefly Run

Run a 5K and help raise money for Children's Medical Center of Dallas.  This 5K is an illuminate night run in Plano at the Shops at Legacy on Saturday, March 31.  There is also a costume contest for runners with the top prize of an iPad 2.  Don't forget to submit pictures to the class photobucket account and blog your thoughts on this race! Sign up at FireFly Run Dallas.

Farm to Table

Can you prepare a meal made from only fresh whole ingredients?  Could you shop only the perimeter of the grocery store?  Can you make an entire meal that you purchased from the local farmers market?  Prepare a meal for friends of family that was purchased from the farmers market or perimeter of the store.  What did you make?  What challenges did you face?  What did everyone thing?  Would you try this again?

Healthy Me Challenge

Can you give up something unhealthy for 5 days?  OR could you add something healthy for 5 days?  Could you take the Play 60 or Let's Move Challenge?  Can you tell a difference in the way you feel by removing or adding something from your diet or lifestyle?  Take the challenge!